IPA 2024-2027 Standard Forms
Standard forms:
APPENDIX B - Live Action Voluntary Recognition Agreement - Click for How to Complete VRA (90 sec video)
APPENDIX C - WGC Standard Writer's Agreement
APPENDIX D - WGC Standard Story Editor's Agreement
APPENDIX E - Notice of Engagement
APPENDIX F - Notice of Intended Writing Credits
APPENDIX G - Declaration of Receipts and Distribution Royalty Payments
APPENDIX H - Distributor's Assumption Agreement
APPENDIX I - Purchaser's Assumption Agreement for Production
APPENDIX J - Purchaser's Assumption Agreement for Script
APPENDIX K - Budget Certification
APPENDIX M - Section E Writer's Agreement
APPENDIX N - Corporate Production Letter for Proposals
APPENDIX Q - Credit Assignment to a Third Party
APPENDIX R - Corporate Guarantee
Animation Section - Schedule 1 Voluntary Recognition Agreement
Animation Section - Schedule 2 Notice of Intended Writing Credits
Animation Purchaser's Assumption Agreement for Production (suggested form)
Animation Purchaser's Assumption Agreement for Script (suggested form)