Writers Guild of Canada: advocacy, community, and benefits for Canada's screenwriters
Screenwriters can qualify to join the WGC with one writing contract in our jurisdiction (English production in Canada), signed in the past two years with a producer who is signatory to one of our agreements. We also offer incentives for writers who would not normally qualify.
WGC Screenwriting Awards
The WGC celebrates our members' creative achievements at the annual WGC Screenwriting Awards.
Canadian Screenwriters Collection Society
The Canadian Screenwriters Collection Society (CSCS) was established by the WGC to claim, collect, administer, and distribute foreign authors’ levies to film and television writers. Members can read the CSCS privacy policy here.

Diversity & Inclusion
Connecting writers from diverse backgrounds with the Canadian television industry — and industry professionals with rising talent.

WGC 2025 Screenwriting Awards gala tickets now on sale

Advocating for a stronger definition of Canadian content & the streamers' court challenge: What's at stake for screenwriters?

2025 WGC Screenwriting Awards Nominees

Nice try AI ... Writers Guild of Canada champions writers not robots! AI tries (and fails) to improve best-written Canadian film/TV lines

WGC releases latest report on Equity, Diversity and Inclusion in Canadian television

What the latest CRTC decision on Bill C-11 implementation means for Canadian screenwriters

WGC 2024 Council and National Forum Election Results

A.I. and the Role of Canadian Creators

WGC’s 2023 Comedy, Drama and Teen/Tween Winners (Oct. 27, 2023)
In this episode of Writers Talking Screen - The Podcast, WGC Screenwriting Awards (2023) winners Kurt Smeaton (CHILDREN RUIN EVERYTHING), Marsha Greene (THE PORTER), and Veronika Paz (ASTRID & LILLY SAVE THE WORLD) talk to Amanda Joy (AMELIA PARKER) about how to handle rejection (and success), the state of the industry, tips for moving up from a script coordinator position to a staffed writer, and what NOT to do in a job interview.

Changes to Intellectual Property Registration
The WGC has decided not to continue to accept new intellectual property registrations or renewals of existing registrations effective Oct. 1, 2018. Costs required to build a new registration application for the new WGC website have proved prohibitive. New digital registrations or renewals will no longer be accepted. (The acceptance of new or renewals of paper registrations was discontinued in June, 2014.)
The service will continue for any registrations that are active and have not expired. We will continue to store these registrations securely, answer questions and provide information regarding these registrations. As well, registrants who provide the appropriate documentation may continue to withdraw these registrations. Access to the online registration system will not be available to registrants.
The WGC reserves the right in its sole discretion to make changes to, modify, delete or add to its business practices for its intellectual property registration service at any time by posting this information on its website, which constitutes notice to you. Your continued use of the registration after any such amendment constitutes your acceptance of these business practices.