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April's Script of the Month

Angela Hanna Goulene

April’s Script of the Month, as selected by the WGC IDEA Committee, is Tykoonshou, an original half-hour animation primetime pilot written by Angela Hanna Goulene.

Tykoonshou is the story of a psychopathic alien dictator of the same name. The show centers around his quest to regain the throne he was banished from with the help of his closest advisor Qarcass, a college student named Natasha whose house he uses as a sanctuary, her best friend Roger, and a decomposed stuffed bear named Pogo.

Angela is a Montreal-based French writer, director, producer, illustrator, and founder of Hannagie Productions. She creates live-action, animated, and video game content and has written novels, short stories, poetry, and scripts. Angela has been selected for numerous writing and filmmaking programs, including Kino Kabaret and the Netflix Banff Diversity of Voices. She is best known for her short film Not Another Serial Killer and her preschool series Oddly Kids

“Angela’s script Tykoonshou is a fun and fast-paced read for a mature audience," says WGC member Sam Ruano who worked with Angela to polish the script. "It is no surprise that she also happens to be a visual artist. Her settings and descriptions really leap off the page, which is exactly the approach you want for animation. Angela manages to create an alien world that feels authentic while still delivering well-rounded characters. I look forward to seeing what she brings to life next.”
“Very excited to have my half-hour scifi/dark comedy pilot Tykoonshou featured as Script of the Month!” says Angela. “I love character development and complex, dark themes, and Tykoonshou is exactly that. Plus, I think the world's ready for a new adult, hilariously dark space opera... especially an animated one!”

Congratulations, Angela!

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