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50,000 Film and TV Writers Stand with the Writers Guild of America


Led by the Writers Guild of Canada (WGC), the world’s second-largest organization representing film and TV screenwriters, the International Affiliation of Writers Guilds (IAWG) is expressing its full support for the Writers Guild of America in its current fight to end U.S. talent agencies’ exploitative practices of project packaging and affiliate production. 

The WGA is rightly endeavouring to restore fairness and transparency to the process of making film and television for its members through instituting a new Agency Code of Conduct. Ratified by 95.3% of WGA members, the code demands that any agencies wishing to represent WGA writers must not participate in packaging and affiliate production. The WGA’s current agreement with the Association of Talent Agents is set to expire on April 7. 

The IAWG’s members stand with our WGA brothers and sisters and have resolved to educate our members on the underlying issues of the dispute, the adoption of an Agency Code of Conduct and the list of non-signatory agents. Additionally, we will encourage our dual members to ensure that their agents sign on to and adhere to the WGA’s new code.  

 “After our parents, a writer’s first, best advocate should be their agent,” said WGC President, Dennis Heaton. “When this relationship becomes dysfunctional, no one wins. The WGC joins our sister guilds in the IAWG to support the WGA’s efforts to repair this relationship.”

The full IAWG statement of support is included in our letter here

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