(to be printed on letterhead of Completion Guarantor or government agency)
(See Article C1002)
The undersigned __________________________________ (insert name of Completion Guarantor or government agency) is the Completion Guarantor (if government agency describe nature of involvement) for
_______________________________________________ (insert name of production) being produced by _______________________________________ (insert name of production company).
We confirm that the attached budget top-sheet dated ________________________ (insert date), having a total production cost (including but not limited to above- and below-the-line, all amortized and episodic expenses) of __________________________ is the budget approved by us for this production.
For series, indicate # of episodes: ______________________
For co-productions, please complete the following:
The production is a co-production. Yes _________ No ___________
This budget figure represents the total production cost, total herein defined as all costs incurred by all producers.
Yes _________ No _________
Dated this ________ day of ________________, 2______.
(Signature of signing officer)
(Print or type name)