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Appendix D - Standard Story Editor's Agreement

Appendix D - Standard Story Editor's Agreement

(See Article A704)

IPA 2010-2011


Effective as of: __________________________
Producer: __________________________
Address: __________________________

Story Editor's Loan-out Company (if applicable): _________________________________
Story Editor: ________________________ WGC Number: __________________
Address: ________________________
GST No: __________________
Provincial tax No: __________________

If working as a team:
Story Editor's Loan-out Company (if applicable): _________________________________
Story Editor: ________________________ WGC Number: __________________
Address: ________________________
GST No: __________________

Type of Program: ___Television Series____

Broadcast Length:_________ Contracted Under Article: ____A8____

Name of Production: ____________________________

Name of Episode (if applicable): ___________________

Tentative Credit: ________________________________

Service Provided: _______________________________

Fee*: $_______________
please indicate if this is daily fee/ per week/per month or per episode
*Article A803:  Story Editors' fees shall not be deductible from the Production Fee or Distribution Royalties.

Based on material supplied by Producer:   No ______  Yes______
Specify: _______________________________________

Cheques shall be made payable to: _____________________________________________
Term of work engagement: _______________________________ Start date
_______________________________ Completion date
  1. This agreement is subject to the terms of the current WGC Independent Production Agreement ("IPA"). All the terms of the IPA shall be deemed to be included herein, except where specific terms more beneficial to the Writer are included in this agreement in place of the relevant minimum terms in the IPA. If in any other respect any provisions of this agreement conflict with the terms and conditions of the IPA, then the IPA shall prevail, and in such event the conflicting provisions of this agreement shall be deemed to be modified to the extent necessary to cause it to conform to the terms and conditions of the IPA and, as modified, this agreement shall continue in full force and effect.
  2. All additional terms must be attached as a rider hereto.

Producer Story Editor
Loan-out Company
Story Editor
Loan-out Company
Per:___________________ Per:___________________ Per:___________________
Date:__________________ Date:__________________ Date:__________________
Story Editor
(if no loan-out company)

Story Editor

Story Editor
Date:__________________ Date:__________________
Option to extend services: No ________  Yes _______  Terms:____________________


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