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Appendix S: Letter of Understanding on Video Game Compact Devices (WGC/AQPM)

Appendix S: Letter of Understanding on Video Game Compact Devices (WGC/AQPM)

Letter of Understanding


The Writers Guild of Canada (the "Guild")


Association québécoise de la production médiatique (“AQPM”)

Whereas the Guild is recognized to represent “auteurs de textes dans le domaine du film de langue autre que française dans la province de Québec qui offrent leurs services moyennant rémunération” and;

Whereas the AQPM specifically represents to the Guild that it does not cover producers of video games as compact devices and/or footage primarily and specifically produced for video games as compact devices;

The parties hereby agree that:

  1. With regard to those Producers for which the Guild has recognized the AQPM, video games as compact devices, and/or footage primarily and specifically produced for video games as compact devices shall not be covered by the Writers Independent Production Agreement 2015-2017 (“IPA”) for the duration of the term of that Agreement.
  2. For purposes of clarity, it is understood that all other terms of the IPA (including but not limited to those provisions regarding Digital Production) shall apply and remain in force.
  3. This Letter is in no way an admission or acknowledgment by the WGC that it is not recognized or does not have jurisdiction in the province of Quebec over video games as compact devices, and/or footage primarily and specifically produced for video games as compact devices.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Letter of Agreement to be executed this 16th day of March, 2015.



Writers Guild of Canada



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