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Denis McGrath Bursary Award Open for Donations


In 2017, the WGC set up the Denis McGrath Memorial fund, dedicated to Canadian screenwriters, to honor the legacy of one of their most fierce and relentless advocates. We have partnered with the Canadian Film Centre to put that money raised to use with the joint establishment of the Denis McGrath Bursary Award, which Executive Director Maureen Parker and CFC Chief Programs Officer Kathryn Emslie were pleased to announce at the WGC Screenwriting Awards on April 29. The $5,000 bursary will be awarded annually to a deserving CFC TV writer enrolled in the Bell Media Prime Time TV Program.

“This bursary honours Denis’s two passions — writing and advocating for Canadian content and Canadian screenwriters,” says Parker. “Denis was an exceptional writer and human being and this bursary assures that his extraordinary character and contributions to the industry will not be forgotten.”

The WGC and CFC, with Denis’s loving wife and CFC writer alumna Kim Coghill, created this opportunity to raise funds that will extend this bursary in Denis’s name over many years. The Guild is inviting members interested in honouring Denis to make a tax-deductible donation to the Denis McGrath Bursary. The CFC will issue tax receipts to all new donors.  

To contribute funds online to the Denis McGrath Bursary, head over here and in the “Message for the Canadian Film Centre” section please specify that the donation is solely for the Denis McGrath Bursary. Also select “In memory of” under Dedication Information and add Denis McGrath. Interested donors can also call Michelle Johnson, CFC Manager, Annual Giving, at 416-445-1446 x227 to make a contribution. 

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