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January Script of the Month


January’s Script of the Month, as selected by the WGC IDEA Committee, is The Miracle-Signs, a one-hour TV scripted drama written by Lorimer Shenher. Lorimer is a produced screenwriter (Da Vinci’s Inquest) and the author of That Lonely Section of Hell: The Botched Investigation of a Serial Killer Who Almost Got Away and This One Looks Like a Boy: My Gender Journey to Life as a Man, two acclaimed non-fiction books under option for television. A queer man of trans experience and former 28-year Vancouver Police detective, Lorimer’s professional experience involved disturbing subject matter. His writing explores the juxtaposition of dark events with the humor and irony of life. 

“Lorimer Shenher’s The Miracle-Signs is that rare script which combines epic storytelling with beautifully observed, deeply emotional scenes of interpersonal drama,” says WGC member Jason Sherman who worked with Lorimer to polish the script.  “Whether depicting battles on foreign soil or the home front, he writes with an innate feel for high stakes, never forgetting the very real human beings at the heart of his tale. He writes on an epic scale and has the skill to carry it off convincingly, using a highly tuned ear for dialogue and feel for scene construction. From the beginning, his script was a page-turner and only got better with each draft. He was an absolute pleasure to work with, a true collaborator who trusts his vision while being completely open to (and responding to) notes. I’m very glad I had the chance to work with him and wish him all the success he’s due.”
"The Miracle-Signs is the story of broken Iranian soldier Akbar’s opium-fueled journey across Asia and his friend Connor’s compulsion to find him,” says Lorimer. “Both men grapple with visible and hidden injuries and whether rescue and redemption are always welcome. I’m deeply grateful to my brilliant mentor Jason Sherman, who seemed perfectly matched to sensitively guide me and help shape this deeply personal true story into a pilot I’m proud to pitch.” 

Congratulations, Lorimer!

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