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June's Script of the Month


June’s Script of the Month, selected by the WGG Diversity Committee, is REP, a half-hour dramedy written by Maryan Haye. She is a Somali-Canadian writer and actor from Toronto who has taken part in writing workshops at TIFF and The CFC, and is an alumnus of the OYA Emerging Filmmakers Program.

REP revolves around a chatty, Somali-heavy community of modern-day Toronto, 16-year-old Layla Dahir and her family. They quickly realize that one's reputation means everything. Subsequent seasons will capture the POV of a different teen, their family, and the unique challenges they face.

“Maryan Haye’s script REP is a pleasure to read.” says veteran member, Tom Lynch, who worked with Maryan to polish the screenplay. “An authentic look at life as a teenager coming of age within an immigrant community is difficult territory for the most experienced writers. A wonderful mix of drama and comedy, much like life itself, Ms. Haye handles the material with nuance, insight and originality. The vibrant world she has created with deliciously flawed and wonderful characters has me wanting to read more. Her pilot will be a wonderful series and her talent will be a welcome addition to any writers' room. Maryan Haye is the real deal.”

"I'm absolutely honoured that the dramedy pilot REP was selected as Script of the Month," says Maryan. "I think it’s the right time to have a show depicting folks with identities like my own, and I'd love to help bring my experiences to television!"  

Congratulations Maryan!


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