Canadian Screenwriter magazine is currently on hiatus.
Canadian Screenwriter magazine is written for, and by, television and film writers. It covers industry news and policy decisions that impact screenwriters.
Cover photo: Mauricio Calero
Summer 2021 (Vol. 23 No. 1)
Doctors within borders
How creator Joseph Kay and the Transplant writing team are breaking new ground with the Canadian medical drama and ratings hit.
Through the eyes of a child
Co-writers Tracey Deer and Meredith Vuchnich discuss scripting Deer’s personal experiences of the Oka Crisis into the award-winning film Beans.
Suspended animation?
For writers and indie producers, toon commissions from Canadian broadcasters are at a standstill.
WGC Screenwriting Awards 2021
The winners of the 2021 WGC Screenwriting Awards in their own words.
From the President
Canadian TV is still under threat. So, what else is new?, asks the WGC's new president, Alex Levine.
Penny Gummerson on scene
The award-winning screenwriter delves into her influences and how to write a great scene.
CBC focuses on year-round development
The pubcaster’s executive director of scripted, Trish Williams, outlines her new team structure and their priorities for drama and comedy.
Who and how to pitch at Bell Media now
Carlyn Klebuc now oversees the English-language original programming team at Bell Media.

WGC member news
Each issue of Canadian Screenwriter features the latest news on WGC members. We've got lots of updates on screenwriting for docs, TV drama, comedy, and the new novels, plays and adaptations in the works. There's also news on option agreements, greenlights and awards won. Phew. They have been busy.
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