Article A9
Article A9 - Credits
A901 |
In each contract with a Writer for a Feature Film or Television Production, the Producer shall provide credits to be given a Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant in accordance with the terms of this Article. In the absence of such a provision, the terms of this Article shall be deemed to be incorporated into such a contract. In any case in which a director or a Producer or an Executive Producer who is not the sole Writer claims or is accorded a writing credit, the Producer shall automatically notify the Guild and an arbitration shall follow under the rules of Articles A927 to A940. |
A902 |
Specific times shall be reserved in each production for credits to Writers, Story Editors or Story Consultants. Such credits shall appear in the following manner:
A903 |
In the case of Feature Films, subject to Articles A905 and A906, the only writing credits permitted shall be as follows:
A904 |
In the case of Television Productions, subject to Articles A905 and A906, the only writing credits permitted shall be as follows:
A905 |
The only other writing credits permitted (hereinafter referred to as subsidiary writing credits) shall be as follows:
A906 | Where the major writing contribution to a film is in the form of Narration, credit shall be subject to all the terms and conditions contained herein relating to writing credit. |
A907 | Where a Writer has written a Documentary Script, the credit will be "DOCUMENTARY SCRIPT BY...". Where a Writer has written a Narration Script, the credit will be "NARRATION WRITTEN BY...". Alternatively, if all credited writers agree, the combined credit may be "WRITTEN BY....and....". If a Writer or Writers has written both the Documentary Script and the Narration Script, the credit may be "WRITTEN BY...". |
A908 | Credited Writers of Excerpts shall be listed under the credit "EXCERPTS WRITTEN BY...". |
A909 | Where a Writer has written an adaptation from another language the Writer shall be entitled to the credit "ADAPTED BY..." as a minimum credit. |
A910 | No other form of writing credit or subsidiary writing credits shall be permitted and no other form of credit or acknowledgment shall be accorded to a Writer without the prior approval of the Guild. The approval of the Guild shall not be unreasonably withheld. |
A911 | Where a credited Writer is also a director or producer of a program, s/he may receive the following presentation credit "A FILM BY...". |
A912 | The number of Writers who may share credit for a Script in accordance with Articles A903 and A904(a), (b) and (c) hereof shall not exceed three. |
A913 | The aggregate number of Writers accorded subsidiary writing credits shall not exceed four. |
A914 | In exceptional cases the number permitted in Articles A912 and A913 may be increased with the consent of the Guild which consent will not be unreasonably withheld. |
A915 |
When the names of more than one individual appear in the credits or subsidiary writing credits for a production, the names of the members of a Team shall be separated by an ampersand ("&"). All other Writers' names shall be separated by the word "and". When Writers' names are separated by the word "and", the names of the Writers shall appear in the order in which they were engaged on the production. |
A916 | The name of a Writer accorded a writing credit shall appear in lettering the height and width of which is no smaller than that used for the name of the Producer or director of the program, whichever is the larger, and on the program the writing credit shall appear for the same duration as that of the credit accorded to such Producer or director. |
A917 | The writing credit and the subsidiary writing credit may appear on the program on the same title card. The name or names of the writers referred to in the subsidiary writing credit shall not, however, appear in lettering the height or width of which is greater than fifty percent (50%) of that used for the name or names of the writer or writers accorded writing credit. |
A918 |
Subject to the provisions of Articles A903 and A904, the Writer's credit shall appear next to the director's credit unless an individual producer's credit appears between them. Only one Producer title card may appear between the Writer's and director's credit. For the purposes of this Article, individual producer(s) shall mean individuals as accorded the credits "Producer" or "Executive Producer" only. Examples of acceptable credit sequences are: When any credit is shared by sequential writers, the names of the writers shall appear in the order in which they were engaged. |
A919 | No other written material may appear on the card with the above mentioned writing credits and no other card may interrupt the credit order set out in Article A918. |
A920 |
Subject to any waiver under Article A926, the Producer shall accord writing credits on:
Equal prominence shall be given to all credited writers in advertising and publicity. |
A921 |
No later than fifteen (15) days prior to the first scheduled day of principal photography or, in the case of a Television Documentary, no later than the date of recording of final narration, or the date of the fine cut if there is no narration recording, the Producer shall send to the Guild and to every person who has been engaged by the Producer (or, with the knowledge of the Producer, to any predecessor of the Producer) to make a written contribution to the Script, a draft of the intended writing and subsidiary writing credits worded in accordance with the provisions of Article A903 to A911 and in the form of the Notice of Intended Writing Credits as in Appendix F. Such notice will indicate the order in which the Producer proposes to announce the names of the Writers, if more than one, accorded credit, and the placement of the writing and subsidiary writing credits in the credit sequence in accordance with Article A918. If the production company proposes a Writer who is also a director or Producer or Executive Producer, the notice shall so indicate. In the case of television Series, the Producer may have the notice of intended credits, described above, delivered by hand not later than seven (7) days prior to the first scheduled day of principal photography. The Producer shall send to the Guild and to every Story Editor or Story Consultant who has been engaged to provide Story Editor or Story Consultant services on any production the Notice of Intended Writing Credits form in Appendix F indicating intended on-screen Story Editor credit(s) or Story Consultant credit(s) as negotiated per Article A804, and showing the placement and order in which the Producer proposes to announce the names of the Story Editors or Story Consultants. The Producer must file this notice for all productions prior to their wrap date. |
A922 | If any subsequent alteration to the intended writing or subsidiary writing credit is intended, the Producer shall notify the Guild and all Writers involved of its intended alteration, but in any case the Producer shall notify any Writer who has been engaged subsequent to the first day of production as to his/her proposed final credit. This notification should be not later than fourteen (14) days after the completion of filming or taping of the program. |
A923 | All notifications referred to in Article A9 shall be sent by hand or facsimile and shall be delivered to the last known address of each Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant or his agent or to any other address which the Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant notifies to the Producer before the dispatch of such Notice. |
A924 | Upon the Guild's request, the Producer shall provide a copy of the shooting script, or, at the Producer's discretion, reasonable access to the shooting script, to any Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant receiving the Notice of Intended Writing Credits. |
A925 | Subject to the provisions of Article A922 and A926, if, within fourteen (14) days of the date of dispatch of the Notice of Intended Writing Credits (seven [7] days in the case of a Series), no objection is received by the Producer and the Guild from any Writer to whom such draft has been sent, the wording of the writing and subsidiary writing credits set out in the Notice of Intended Writing Credits shall become final and binding on all parties. |
A926 | Every person who has been engaged by the Producer to make a written contribution to a Script shall be entitled to use a reasonable pseudonym in place of their name in any credit to which s/he may be entitled hereunder. A Writer who declines a credit shall, nevertheless, retain his/her rights to participate in the Royalty/Residual fees that may be due on the exploitation of the program. Where a Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant declines a credit, the Writer, Story Editor or Story Consultant shall inform the Producer and the Guild of a pen-name to be substituted for his/her own name on the program credits. None of the Writer's, Story Editor's or Story Consultant's rights including but not limited to compensation of any kind shall be affected by the use of a pseudonym. |
A927 | If, within the period provided for in Article A925, a written objection is received by the Producer and the Guild from any Writer to whom such a draft has been sent, such objection shall (subject to Article A941) be dealt with as follows: |
A928 | The Guild shall forthwith appoint three Arbitrators to adjudicate on the objection in accordance with the Guild's established guidelines for credit arbitration, a copy of which shall be furnished to the Associations. Arbitrators appointed under this provision are not "arbitrators" within the meaning of any labour relations legislation. The Credit Arbitration procedure must be completed before the grievance and arbitration procedure in Article A5 - Grievance Procedures and Resolution, or any expedited arbitration provision in any labour relations legislation, may be initiated. |
A929 |
Within seven (7) days of the objection being received by the Producer, the Producer shall deliver to the Guild four (4) legible copies of all Script Material as available relating to the program which it may have in its possession and shall notify the Guild of any such material which has previously been submitted to the Producer of which the Producer does not have a copy. The Guild shall make best efforts to obtain such material and will submit such material to the Producer to verify that the Producer actually received such material. Where the production is based on Source Material, the Producer shall also deliver four (4) copies of the Source Material to the Guild. |
A930 |
The Guild shall prepare a list of all materials received and shall forward in the next business day the list to the Producer and all participating writers to sign as confirmation that all Script Material has been included. If any writer indicates that additional Script Material is missing, the Guild shall make best efforts to obtain such material and will submit such material to the Producer to verify that the Producer actually received such material. Only Script Material or Source Material submitted to the Producer shall be submitted to the Arbitrators. For the purposes of credit arbitration, a "participating writer" shall be any person :
and whose Script Material becomes subject to the credit arbitration process. If there is any uncertainty or dispute as to whether an individual fits the criteria for "participating writer", the Guild's Credit Committee will be consulted for a ruling which shall be final and binding on the parties. |
A931 | The credit arbitration shall commence when the Guild receives the signed confirmation referenced in Article A930 from the Producer and all participating writers. In the absence of signed confirmation from any party, that party (the non-respondent) shall be deemed to have confirmed the list of materials forty-eight (48) hours after receipt of such list of materials. |
A932 | If there is uncertainty or dispute as to whether the material is Script Material, Source Material or whether or not the material was submitted to the Producer, the Guild's Credit Committee shall determine whether or not the material shall be submitted to the Arbitrators. The ruling of the Credit Committee shall be final and binding on the parties. |
A933 | The Producer shall, if requested by the Arbitrators, co-operate with the Arbitrators to arrive at a just determination by furnishing any available information required by the Arbitrators and shall provide them with a copy of the program if it is available at the time of arbitration. |
A934 | All representations made to the Arbitrators shall be in writing. Both the Producer and the Guild hereby recognize the need for arbitration to be conducted in such a way as to preserve at all times the anonymity of the Arbitrators. |
A935 | Participating writers are permitted, but not obligated, to submit a personal or chronological statement or both, within five (5) days of notice from the Guild that a credit arbitration is required. Statements shall accompany the material going to the Arbitrators. Statements shall be copied to all participating writers who have submitted a statement. Participating writers may then prepare a response which is due no later than three (3) days following receipt of the other writers' statement(s). All responses shall also form part of the list of material submitted to the Arbitrators. |
A936 | Within twenty-one (21) days, (thirty (30) days in the case of Feature Films, Television Movies, Mini-Series and Documentaries) of receipt by the Guild of signed confirmation from the Producer and all participating writers as per Article A930 above or deemed approval as per Article A931 of all material referred to in Article A929, the Arbitrators shall deliver their decision in writing to the Guild. The Guild shall immediately convey the decision in writing to the Producer. |
A937 | The decision of the Arbitrators, or the majority of them in the case of disagreement, shall be final and binding on all parties, provided always that if the Arbitrators fail to communicate their decision to the Guild within the period of twenty-one (21) days (thirty (30) days in the case of Feature Films, Television Movies, Mini-Series and Documentaries) the credits set out in the Notice referred to in Article A921 shall be final and binding on all parties. |
A938 | The program shall not be commercially exploited until the credit arbitration is complete. However, when the Producer has imminent delivery dates, the Guild will endeavor to expedite the arbitration. |
A939 | The decision of the Arbitrators may be published in such media as the Guild may determine. |
A940 | With respect to Article A9, the Writers, Guild (on its own behalf and on behalf of its members), Arbitrators and Credit Committee (the "Releasing Parties") release, hold harmless and forever discharge all of the other Releasing Parties from any and all actions, causes of action, claims and demands for damages which may have been or thereafter may be sustained in connection with any proceeding before the Arbitrators and/or the Credit Committee, the decisions of the Arbitrators and/or the Credit Committee, and/or any publication of the findings and/or decisions of the Arbitrators and/or the Credit Committee. In addition, the Releasing Parties agree to not make any claim or take any proceeding against any third party to the credit arbitration who or which might claim contribution or indemnity from the other Releasing Parties. Nothing in this article shall be construed so as to restrict the parties' right to pursue a grievance in accordance with Article A5. |
A941 | If the work of one or more of the persons who have contributed to the Script of the program is not subject to the terms of this Article A9, then in the event of Arbitration the Arbitrators may take into account the provisions of any agreements which the Guild may have with any foreign association of Writers for the determination of credit in such circumstances. |
A942 | If an objection to proposed credits is received by the Producer within the fourteen (14) or seven (7) day period provided for in Article A925, as a preliminary alternative to arbitration in accordance with Articles A927 to A938, the Producer may dispatch a revised draft of proposed credits and if dispatched within seven (7) days of receipt of such objection, such revised draft shall be dealt with in accordance with Article A927 to A940 as though such revised draft were the original draft. |
A943 |
When more than one Writer has contributed to the writing of a Script and all contributing Writers agree unanimously among themselves as to which of them shall receive credit and to the form of such credit, then provided that:
such credit shall be final and binding on all parties. |
A944 |
In any contract with a third party into which the Producer enters which relates to dealing with any rights in the work of a Writer, the Producer shall obtain an undertaking that such third party will:
A945 |
The Producer shall be relieved of its obligations to accord Writer credit on all copies of the Production made or issued by a third party as referenced in Article A944(b) only if the Producer obtains a signed copy of the undertaking provided in Appendix U and delivers it to the Writer. Should the Producer fail to obtain such undertaking, the Producer shall remain responsible for all obligations for credit accorded to the Writer, and shall be liable for any breach of the contract with the Writer or this Agreement arising out of any breach of Article A9 credit provisions, including breaches by a third party with whom it has signed a contract for distribution or sale. |
A946 | No inadvertent breach of the terms of Article 9 shall be deemed a breach of Article 9 by the Producer, provided that the Producer will endeavor to prevent any further breach after the receipt of written notice specifying details of the alleged breach. |
A947 |
Should the Producer fail to provide the credits on the Production as required above, the Producer agrees to the following remedy:
A948 | References contained herein to the credit accorded to the director of the program are limited to the director's credit as director and do not extend to any "production" or "presentation" credit accorded to the director. |
A949 | The Producer shall use best efforts to include the Guild logo on the credit roll. The Guild shall provide the Producer with the appropriate artwork in adequate time to facilitate the inclusion of the Guild logo. |